Monday, October 12, 2015

A Message to My Middle School Self

I recently saw a video on YouTube titled 'a message for my younger self' made by Dan Howell (Danisnotonfire). It inspired me to write this...I know this isn't anything new, and while it may not ever leave my blog, it's something worth writing if not for anybody other than myself.
So here it goes
A Message to My Middle School Self

Hey, I know it's been awhile but I thought I'd write you this note. Please take the time to read it because there's actually a lot of good stuff in it. Middle school is that time where everybody is in their awkward stage, and I want to help you out. The first thing is stop being afraid of what people think of you. You won't find this out until high school but your class mates think highly of you. Oh and those 'preps' that you think are soooooo HORRIBLE, they really aren't. You go to a small school! Have you ever seen one of those girls do anything mean? You're judging a book by it's cover and you are missing out on knowing some pretty amazing people. Just because you have this pre-conceived notion that anybody 'popular' is mean. Trust me on this, stop judging others, because they may just surprise you.
Another thing you need to realize... you are God's Masterpiece, and yes I meant to capitalize masterpiece, as in the name of a book, or of an art piece, because you are just that. You are God's amazing art piece. He made you to be perfectly imperfect, you are God's workmanship...his beautiful child he made in his image. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL and you don't need any guy to tell you that. The only guy you need in your life besides your daddy is God.
Now really listen to me because this is the time where worries about body image and being 'good enough' will consume all your thoughts and time. You are amazingly talented and beautiful, don't let anybody tell you that you are not.
Your life does mean something, and while right now it may seem like your world is falling apart you are about to take a 360 in your life. About the time you hit 10th grade you are going to let God into your life and everything is going to change. I'm not going to lie...You are going to loose some friends, but you will gain so much more than that. You will gain new friends, and a church family.
So please take this message, and share it with others who are going through the same thing you are.
High School Graduate You

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Sunday, October 11, 2015

How to avoid being productive

 Okay, we all know how to be productive, but I think we also need to know how to avoid being productive. We all need those days where we just stop and smell the roses. These are five things you can do to avoid being productive.

1. Watch Youtube Videos All Day

Youtube is a great place to waste time. There are many great 'funny animal' videos, but there's also this great thing called Youtubers. Youtubers are people who post videos about their days or a specific topic. My personal favorite youtubers at the moment are: ThatcherJoe (Joe Sugg) Caspar Lee, and Marcus Butler. Yes I've gotten into the British/South African part of Youtube.

2. Read A Book 
There are many great books out there. This is an entertaining way to avoid being productive. There are so many books out there filled with so many different stories! The book that I am currently reading is A work in Progress by Connor Franta(Another Youtuber). Reading a book can also be a great way to escape into another world. 

3. Watch Tv

There are so many good tv shows out there. It's also a great way to waste time. They also kind of fool you into think you're doing something. The shows make you feel like you're apart of them. You know those characters like the back of your hand. My Favorite tv shows at the moment are General Hospital, and Girl Meets World. Two entrially different show genres, but I enjoy these two shows. 

4. Go Out to a Party

Grab some friends and go out to a party. Yeah I don't really have much to say about this one. I don't really think I've been to anything other than a Birthday Party. Those are great too though! 

5. Decide Who your OTP (One True Pair) is

It can take hours to decide who your OTP is. It's like hmm who are the two people in the world that you want to be together the most. Right now my OTP (after my parents of course) is Zoella Sugg and Alfie Deyes (two more youtubers). I just started watching their Youtube videos, and I already love them together. They are just really cute together, and I don't really know what else to say about that. 

There you go! That was five ways to avoid being productive! Thanks for reading!